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Recent Successes

MountainWest Pipeline (MWP) held an open season from October 16, 2023 to November 16, 2023, to solicit bids for its proposed Uinta Basin Expansion (UBE) project. The UBE project would provide incremental firm transportation up to 113,300 Dth/d capacity from MWP’s Brundage Mountain meter station to the Chipeta Processing delivery point. MWP received anchor shipper bids from four shippers as part of the open season. As a result of the open season, and shipper elections in their open season bids, three of the four anchor shipper bidders were awarded a pro rata share of the entire amount of UBE project capacity. MWP has executed precedent agreements with the three winning bidders and filed a Prior Notice request with the FERC on January 16, 2024. MWP is targeting a July 1, 2024 in-service date for the UBE project facilities.

Cost Estimate Request

This Cost Estimate Request Form will be the basis for either MWP, MWOP or WRH Pipelines to determine the Customer's objectives for a new interconnect or modification of an existing interconnect with the Pipeline. Customer shall return this completed form to Pipeline for preliminary review by design engineering to define and verify the work scope and costs of the project.

When the Customer agrees to the scope of the work and estimated reimbursable cost of the Project, Pipeline will send Customer the Interconnect/Facility Agreement for review and execution. Payment of the estimated project cost will be made via the following:

1. An executed Transportation Service Agreement or a

2. Up-front payment including CIAC gross up or

3. Another option to be determined.

Upon receipt of the executed Interconnect/Facility Agreement and payment of project costs, Pipeline will proceed with engineering design, environmental clearance, material procurement and scheduling of construction of facilities. The entire process, from receipt of executed Agreement and payment can take approximately nine months to a year depending upon lead time for materials and scheduling of construction crews. Tap installations scheduled during winter months (December – February) may be subject to delays due to inclement weather or pipeline restrictions. Significant changes in the Customer's objectives after project authorization will affect the cost estimate and construction schedule.

Please click on this link: Cost Estimate Form and complete the online PDF form. Return this form and any additional attachments to: If Customer is working directly with a Marketing or Business Development Representative, the Cost Estimate Form can be emailed to that individual. For any additional questions, please contact a Marketing or Business Development Representative as listed on the Contacts page.

Park and Loan Service

Park and Loan Service (PAL1) described in MountainWest Pipeline FERC Gas Tariff, Volume No. 1, Part 4 — Rate Schedule PAL1 Section

  • Park and Loan (PAL1) utilizes capacity within the Clay Basin storage facility
  • PAL1 injection (park) capability ≤ 25,000 Dth/day
  • Withdrawal capability contingent upon operational and contractual parameters
  • PAL1 rates will be determined by NYMEX and basis information available at time of contract. The fuel reimbursement rate is determined by the Gas Daily price for Northwest Wyoming Pool.
  • Tariff rates:
    • Daily Charge of $0.00 to $0.30315/Dth/day
    • Delivery Charge of $0.0283/dth
    • 2% Fuel Reimbursement payable either in cash or in-kind
  • Term < One Year
  • PAL1 service priority is below firm storage but higher than current interruptible service

Park and Loan Service (PAL2) described in MountainWest Pipeline FERC Gas Tariff, Volume No. 1, Rate Schedule PAL2, Section PAL2 Service

Please contact your Marketing Rep with any questions.

Transportation Service

Firm Transportation Service (T-1 and SSXP) described in MountainWest Pipeline FERC Gas Tariff, Volume No. 1, Part 1 — Rate Schedule T-1 Section

  • Firm Transportation utilizes capacity within the pipeline system comprising these essential components: receipt point, delivery point and contract transportation path.
  • Tariff Rates:
    • Systemwide Reservation monthly charge:
      • Daily Charge of $0.00 to $0.30315/Dth/day
      • Delivery Charge of $0.0283/dth
      • 2% Fuel Reimbursement payable either in cash or in-kind
    • Usage charge: up to $0.00267/Dth/d
    • Fuel: In-Kind currently 1.04
  • T-1 and SSXP Priority of Service – Primary Receipt to Primary Delivery within Contract Transportation Path is highest priority
  • See section 9 for additional information on Priority of Service

No- Notice Transportation Service (NNT)) described in MountainWest Pipeline FERC Gas Tariff, Volume No. 1, Part 1 — Rate Schedule NNT Section

  • No- Notice Transportation utilizes transportation capacity associated with shippers who have T-1 or SSXP Firm Transportation and FSS or PKS storage to accommodate gas day demand that may vary from Shippers nomination not to exceed the Shipper’s reserved daily capacity on its T-1 or SSXP Firm Transportation
  • Tariff Rates:
    • Monthly reservation charge of up to $0.86753/Dth/Month
  • Shipper to provide receipt and delivery points for gas tendered to accommodate NNT

Interruptible Transportation Service (T-2) described in MountainWest Pipeline FERC Gas Tariff, Volume No. 1, Part 1 — Rate Schedule T-2 Section

  • Interruptible transportation service utilizes pipeline system capacity that is not utilized by firm transportation service and does not have a specific receipt point, delivery point or contract transportation path.
  • Tariff Rates:
    • Volumetric charge of up to $0.17652/Dth/d
    • Usage charge: up to $0.00267/Dth/d
    • Fuel: In-Kind currently 1.04
  • T-2 Priority of Service is ranked based on rate paid
  • See section 9 for additional information on Priority of Service

Firm Peaking Deliverability Service (FP) described in MountainWest Pipeline FERC Gas Tariff, Volume No. 1, Part 1 — Rate Schedule FP, Section FP

  • Firm Peaking Deliverability Service is an enhanced transportation service agreement provided as an addendum to an existing T-1 firm transportation service agreement to receive deliveries of gas at its primary delivery point(s) at a non-uniform flow rate and is subject to the pipeline’s ability provide such service.
  • Tariff Rates:
    • Reservation rate: up to $2.64402/Dth/Month
    • Usage charge and fuel assessed to the T-1 firm transportation service
  • Priority of Service is ranked by based on shipper’s designated receipt and delivery points on its T-1 firm transportation service agreement

Please contact your Marketing Rep with any questions.

Storage Service

Firm Storage Service (FSS) described in MountainWest Pipeline FERC Gas Tariff, Volume No. 1, Part 3 — Rate Schedule FSS, Section Rate Schedule FSS

  • Firm Storage Service utilizes storage capacity within Clay Basin storage facility comprising these essential components: Capacity (Inventory), Minimum Required Deliverability and Injection Capacity
  • Tariff Rates:
    • Deliverability: $2.85338/Dth/Month
    • Capacity: $0.02378/Dth/Month
    • Usage Charges
      • Injection: $0.01049/Dth
      • Withdrawal: $0.01781/Dth

Interruptible Storage Service (ISS) described in MountainWest Pipeline FERC Gas Tariff, Volume No. 1, Part 3 — Rate Schedule ISS, Section Rate Schedule ISS

  • Interruptible Storage Service utilizes storage capacity at Clay Basin Storage Facility that is not designated for Firm Storage Service and uses Inventory Capacity, MRD and Injection capacity that is not being utilized by Firm Storage Shippers.
  • Tariff Rates:
    • Inventory: $0.05927/Dth/Month based on Average Monthly Working Gas Balance
    • Usage
      • Injection: $0.01049/Dth
      • Withdrawal: $0.01781/Dth

Peaking Storage Service (PKS) described in MountainWest Pipeline FERC Gas Tariff, Volume No. 1, Part 2 — Rate Schedule PKS, Section Rate Schedule PKS

  • Peaking Storage Service utilizes storage capacity the following Aquifer Storage facilities: Leroy, Chalk Creek and Coalville and includes: Injection of Gas Volumes, Storage of Shippers Working Gas and Withdrawal of Shippers working Gas
  • Tariff Rates:
    • Monthly Reservation Charge: $ up to 2.87375/Dth/Month
    • Usage charges
      • Injection: $0.03872 Dth
      • Withdrawal: $0.03872 Dth

Please contact your Marketing Rep with any questions.