Period | Category | Preliminary Dates | Duration | Location | Project | Possible Customer Impact | Current Capacity (Dth/d) | Restricted Capacity (Dth/d) | Anticipated Firm Cut Quantity | Anticipated Total Nomination Cut % |
August | Compressor Maintenance | August 14 - 15 | 2 | Rock Springs Compressor Station | Annual Emergency Shutdown (ESD) and Unit Maintenance | Capacity reduction to 570,000 Dth/d combined between MAP 10005, MAP 10013 | MAP 10005 300,000 Dth/d, MAP 10013 825,000 Dth/d | 570,000 Dth/d total. MAP 10005 to 191,800 Dth/d. MAP 10013 to 381,000 Dth/d | MAP 10005 6,500, MAP 10013 16,000 | MAP 10005 32%, MAP 10013 16% |
Note: This schedule is subject to change. It is recommended the Shippers monitor MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline's critical notices about schedule revisions.