Notice Type Desc | Post Date/Time | Notice Eff Date/Time | Notice ID | Subject | Rsp Date/Time | Notice Stat | Prior Notice | Reqrd Rsp |
CONSTRAINT | 11/20/2024 10:27 AM | 11/21/2024 09:00 AM | 35585 | KANDA COMPRESSOR STATION CIG RESTRICTIONS | 1 | 5 |
MountainWest Pipeline, LLC (MWP) is requiring a shut-in at their Kanda Compressor Station for both Kanda/Col CIG REC MAP 871 and Kanda/Col CIG DEL MAP 171 beginning Cycle 1 Gas Day November 21, 2024, until Cycle 4 Gas Day November 21, 2024, to facilitate immediate repairs. Nominations will be allowed up to full capacity in Cycle 4.
If you have any questions, please contact your MWP Marketing or Contract Services Representative or Scheduling on the Customer Service Hotline at 801-584-6034.