System Wide Notices - MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline

TSP Name:
MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline, LLC
Notice Type Desc Post Date/Time Notice Eff Date/Time Notice ID Subject Rsp Date/Time Notice Stat Prior Notice Reqrd Rsp
RATES - CHGS 01/27/2025 01:21 PM 02/01/2025 09:00 AM 35905 MWOP FUEL GAS REIMBURSEMENT PERCENTAGE 1 5
All listed times are CCT


Effective February 1, 2025, MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline’s Fuel Matrix has been posted to its website. Changes to the matrix are as follows:

Rock Springs’ compression rate will change from 0.29% to 0.34%
Roberson’s compression rate is unchanged at 0.03%
Point of Rocks’ compression rate is unchanged at 0.40%
System Gas and L&U will change from 0.75% to 0.00%

Expected system configuration for compression at Rock Springs has not changed from January to February. Shippers with Receipt Points at Wamsutter 10827 and WIC-Wamsutter 10031, moving to delivery points to Rock Springs and further west will not be charged compressor fuel at Rock Springs for February. Customers moving west past Rock Springs with receipt points from Kanda-Col 10005 will be charged compression at Rock Springs.

Please contact your Scheduling representative at (801) 584-6034 if you have any questions.