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Marketing - Gas Quality Overview


Heat Content:
No less than 950 btu per cubic foot nor more than 1,150 btu per cubic foot.
Hydrogen Sulfide:
Gas shall not contain more than 1/4 grain of hydrogen sulfide per 100 cubic feet.
Inert Substances:
Gas shall not contain inert substances in excess of 3% by volume.
Free from dust, gums, gum-forming constituents, dirt, impurities, and solids/liquids that might interfere with its merchantability, cause injury to or interference with proper operation of Overthrust. Also free of all matter that is deemed hazardous/toxic and is subject to regulation.
Not in excess of 10 parts per million (every effort will be made to keep it oxygen free).
Gas shall be delivered at a temperature not in excess of 120 degrees Fahrenheit or less than 35 degrees Fahrenheit at any rec/del point.
Total Sulfur:
Gas shall not contain more than 5 grains of total sulfur per Mcf, of which not more than 2 grains shall be mercaptan sulfur
Water Vapor:
Gas shall not contain an excess of 5 pounds of water per million cubic feet

Cricondentherm Hydrocarbon Dew Point (CHDP)

CHDP Limit:
MWP will accept all deliveries of natural gas within CHDP Zones 1 through 9 and Zone 11 at a CHDP equal to or less than 35 degrees Fahrenheit, and equal to or less than 15 degrees Fahrenheit within CHDP Zone 10 (Provided that such gas satisfies all other applicable provisions of the Tariff)

MWP will file with the commission any proposed revisions to change the CHDP limit of any CHDP zone. Upon approval, MWP will revise limits for the specified zones
CHDP Operating Limit:
MWP may establish a limit that is higher than the CHDP limit for natural gas received into its system on specified zones. This is dependent on pipeline operating characteristics such as pressures and temperatures, Updates can be found under Postings > Gas Quality on MWP’s website

MWP not obligated to accept gas into its system that exceeds the applicable CHDP limit. Waivers can be made on a non-discriminatory basis

When operationally feasible, MWP will exempt low-volume scores from the CHDP Operating limit on a non-discriminatory basis and accept gas onto its system. However, MWP may elect to temporarily suspend the exemption for low-volume sources

Additional Information

The shipper shall indemnify MWP and hold it harmless from all legal action.
Acceptance of Gas:
If any gas tendered for receipt fails to conform to quality specifications MWP may refuse to accept gas until it meets those specifications. MWP's refusal to accept does not relieve Shipper of any of its obligations under this tariff.
Acceptance of Gas that does not conform to these specifications is at the election of MWP, and the acceptance of the gas does not constitute any waiver of MWP’s right to refuse to accept similarly nonconforming gas.
MWP will not be required to schedule delivery of gas into its system if a downstream pipeline/third party refuses to confirm the nomination.
CHDP Calculation:
MWP shall perform the CHDP calculations using an Industry recognized equation of state and natural gas chromatograph compositional analysis through C9. In the event of a dispute over calculated value shall control unless the disputing party can clearly identify the cause of the error.

This is not a legally binding document. Information derived from Gas Quality (Sec. 13) Portion of MWP’s tariff. For additional information, contact your Marketing/BD Rep.