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Firm Transaction Awards Detail - MountainWest Pipeline

TSP Name:
MountainWest Pipeline, LLC
Run Date:
Run Time:
08:27 pm CCT
Firm Transaction Award Detail
Affil: NONE
Amend Rptg Desc: All Data
K Beg Date: 11/01/2005
K End Date: 10/31/2025
K Ent Beg Date: 09/04/2024
K Ent Beg Time: 09:00 AM CCT
K Ent End Date: 09/05/2024
K Ent End Time: 09:00 AM CCT
K Holder: 007909013
K Holder Prop: -
K Qty - K: 60000
K Stat Desc: Amended
Mkt Based Rate Ind: N
Posting Date: 09/03/2024
Posting Time: 09:06 AM CCT
Rate ID: RES
Rate Sch: T-1 SSXP
Res Rate Basis: MO
Svc Req K: 3293
Surchg ID: ACA
Surchg Ind: 6
TSP: 092027077
Loc Loc Name Loc/QTI Loc Loc Name Max Trf Rate Rate Chgd Ngtd Rate Ind K Qty - Loc Cap Type
302 CO2 PLT OUTLET 3 362 CURRANT CREEK PWR 7.82712 7.82712 Y 6,000 P
370 RED WASH - FIDLAR 3 362 CURRANT CREEK PWR 7.82712 7.82712 Y 44,000 P
421 CHIPETA PROCESSING (REC) 3 362 CURRANT CREEK PWR 7.82712 7.82712 Y 10,000 P

Terms / Notes

This Agreement is for capacity and service not currently available on Questar's system. Questar shall proceed with due diligence to have the capacity available by November 2005. However, Questar shall not be liable to Shipper for any damages suffered by Shipper arising out of Questar's failure to have the capacity and service available.