Firm Transaction Awards Detail - MountainWest Pipeline

TSP Name:
MountainWest Pipeline, LLC
Run Date:
Run Time:
07:17 am CCT
Firm Transaction Award Detail
Affil: NONE
Amend Rptg Desc: All Data
K Beg Date: 04/01/2005
K End Date: 03/31/2035
K Ent Beg Date: 08/01/2024
K Ent Beg Time: 09:00 AM CCT
K Ent End Date: 09/01/2024
K Ent End Time: 09:00 AM CCT
K Holder: 007909013
K Holder Prop: -
K Qty - K: 190000
K Stat Desc: Amended
Mkt Based Rate Ind: N
Posting Date: 07/26/2024
Posting Time: 03:39 PM CCT
Rate ID: RES
Rate Sch: T-1
Res Rate Basis: MO
Svc Req K: 3475
Surchg ID: ACA
Surchg Ind: 6
TSP: 092027077
Loc Loc Name Loc/QTI Loc Loc Name Max Trf Rate Rate Chgd Ngtd Rate Ind K Qty - Loc Cap Type
836 K.R. GOSHEN - REC 3 336 KERN RIVER - GOSHEN 5.28804 0.56684 N 60,000 P
836 K.R. GOSHEN - REC 3 362 CURRANT CREEK PWR 5.28804 0.56684 N 130,000 P
836 K.R. GOSHEN - REC 3 336 KERN RIVER - GOSHEN 5.28804 0.56684 N - S
836 K.R. GOSHEN - REC 3 362 CURRANT CREEK PWR 5.28804 0.56684 N - S

Terms / Notes


Reservation Charge: A discounted rate of:
Years 1 through 5: $.80977/Dth/Month (Initial Monthly Reservation Charge)
Years 6 through 10: $.72879/Dth/Month (90% of Initial Charge)
Years 11 through 15: $.64782/Dth/Month (80% of Initial Charge)
Years 16 through 30: $.56684/Dth/Month (70% of Initial Charge)


Year to Year unless terminated by either party given 90 days written notice prior to the expiration of the existing term.


(a) These discounted rates will only be available for the listed primary receipt and delivery points, or from the primary receipt point to additional delivery points established for facilities served directly off of the Currant Creek Lateral. The rate from alternate receipt points or alternate delivery points will be at Questar's maximum tariff rate unless Questar and Shipper negotiate a discounted rate for the alternate points according to the terms and conditions of Questar's FERC Gas Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1. Shipper will pay fuel reimbursement charges, ACA, GRI and other FERC approved surcharges as applicable.
