Firm Transaction Awards Detail - MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline

TSP Name:
MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline, LLC
Run Date:
Run Time:
01:58 am CCT
Firm Transaction Award Detail
Affil: NONE
Amend Rptg Desc: All Data
K Beg Date: 08/01/2014
K End Date: 03/31/2028
K Ent Beg Date: 11/13/2024
K Ent Beg Time: 09:00 AM CCT
K Ent End Date: 11/14/2024
K Ent End Time: 09:00 AM CCT
K Holder: 625275755
K Holder Prop: -
K Qty - K: 75000
K Stat Desc: Amended
Mkt Based Rate Ind: N
Posting Date: 11/12/2024
Posting Time: 09:43 AM CCT
Rate ID: RES
Rate Sch: FT
Res Rate Basis: MO
Svc Req K: 5229
Surchg ID: -
Surchg Ind: 5
TSP: 843758483
Loc Loc Name Loc/QTI Loc Loc Name Max Trf Rate Rate Chgd Ngtd Rate Ind K Qty - Loc Cap Type
10031 WIC WAMSUTTER (REC) 3 10030 RUBY TOPAZ DELIVERY 1.50500 1.50500 N 10,700 P
10827 WAMSUTTER (REC) 3 10008 OTPL TO QPC XO16 DEL 1.50500 1.50500 N 1,765 P
10827 WAMSUTTER (REC) 3 10030 RUBY TOPAZ DELIVERY 1.50500 1.50500 N 23,235 P
10827 WAMSUTTER (REC) 3 10868 OVERTHRUST/NWP DELIVERY 1.50500 1.50500 N 39,300 P

Terms / Notes

(a) Shipper shall have a one-time right to extend the term of all or part of the current RDC for a minimum of two years up to an additional five years at the rate in effect at the time, provided this renewal is exercised by written notice a minimum of twelve (12) months prior to the effective date of any RDC reduction. Otherwise at the expiration of the initial or extended Term of Agreement, this Agreement shall continue from year to year at the rate in effect at the end of the prior year unless terminated by either Party on six (6) months written notice. Upon the exercise of any extension right pursuant to this provision, Overthrust and Shipper shall amend this Agreement to correctly state the RDC levels.

(b) If Overthrust elects to terminate this Agreement either at the end of the initial term or any renewed term, then Shipper shall have the right of first refusal. At least six months prior to the expiration of this firm transportation agreement, Shipper must notify Overthrust of its desire to continue all or a part of its existing service. If such notice is given, the Shipper shall retain a right of first refusal.